Poverty and homelessness are two critical issues we can overlook here on the Cape. Yet stories persist about families being displaced or children going hungry because of changing economic or family circumstances. Each of you us can probably share a story of a family in need and how we reached out to assist.
As Christians we are called throughout the Bible, and directly by Jesus, to both remember the poor and act to assist their need. “Whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40)
It is easy for us to “not see” the poor and homeless in our communities but they are a very real presence here in Yarmouth and our surrounding communities. We are invited by Christ to assist in whatever ways possible including our prayers, our time, and our financial resources.
The Dennis Yarmouth Ecumenical Council for the Prevention of Homelessness (DYECH) is a committed group of area Christian churches working to assist the prevention of homelessness. SYUMC participated in this endeavor previously and we are seeking to renew our support for this important mission project.
It works very simply and benefits all of us. We are asked to think about how much money we would spend on food for a period of time, and to then bring a check or cash to the church on the DYECH DAY to purchase food cards. The cards are as good a cash and 5% goes directly to the Housing Assistance Corporation for the Prevention of Homelessness. The cards can be transferred to friends, gifts, or students, and have no expiration date.
More information will follow and you can contact Tom Kerr if you have questions: tkerr20@comcast.net