About Us

About Us
The South Yarmouth United Methodist Church has a long and rich history dating from 1852. The membership comprises persons representing a broad range of age groups with a substantial community of people of retirement age.
The spirituality of the congregation also covers a full spectrum. Some members simply have a basic commitment to attend worship and social events, while others earnestly seek for a deep and personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.
The climate of the congregation is warm and congenial. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries with the church, including local and global missions, Christian education, membership care, as well as finance and building needs. We have a vibrant music ministry.
In addition, we have a number of active fellowship groups for both youth and adults.
Please come and join us!
Our Staff
Rev. John Mueller, Pastor
Wendy Perry, Secretary
Eve Hoffman, Lay Leader
Valerie Jansson, Youth Leader
Cameron Shippee, Minister of Music
Paul Honigsblum, Accompanist