The congregation of the South Yarmouth United Methodist Church is committed to putting our faith and love into action by attempting to address the needs of our community and the world.
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
We give to and raise money for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, which enables him to give food certificates and other assistance to people in need in Yarmouth, and Dennis. Food certificates are available to eligible residents on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

Cape Organization for the Rights of the Disabled (CORD)
We collect donations of non-perishable food items for the CORD Mobile Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month. CORD has been working since 1984 to advance the independence, productivity, and integration of people with disabilities, including deaf and hard of hearing people, into mainstream society. As food insecurity, the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food, is known to disproportionately affect households with members with disabilities, the CORD Mobile Food Pantry delivers to pre-designated locations around Cape Cod monthly. (The schedule is available at www.cordcapecod.org)
Dennis-Yarmouth Ecumenical Council (DYECH)
The Dennis-Yarmouth Ecumenical Council for the Prevention of Homelessness is a group of area Christian parishes who are committed to preventing Cape Cod families from becoming homeless. All funds raised are donated to the Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) Project Prevention in the belief that it is far better to assist families in trouble than to try to get them in from the streets after they become homeless. Activities include selling food certificates, from which local supermarkets contribute 5% of all money collected to DYECH, Dining for a Cause, and a variety of benefit concerts. (See www.dyech.org)
Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod (HAC)
HAC’s mission is to deliver housing and services that meet the needs of the community and minimize our impact on natural resources and to engage in responsible economic development that generates jobs, stabilizes housing and strengthens the community.
HAC is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and offers a continuum of housing programs that evolve with the changing needs of the community. HAC educates, trains and counsels with HAC’s consumer education department; weatherizes and conducts energy rehabs for low-income and market-rate properties; develops affordable housing for seniors, families and individuals; and provides an opportunity to become a homeowner with a full-service nonprofit real estate office.
HAC also provides emergency shelter and homelessness prevention assistance for individuals and families; administration of the largest housing subsidy program in our region; and family self sufficiency and employment services. (See www.haconcapecod.org)
Yarmouth Food Pantry
Special collections of non-perishable food items are made throughout the year for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. (See www.yarmouthfoodpantry.org)