Many thanks to everyone who has donated to our congregation’s “R & R Fund” this summer, the special fund set up by our Trustees for – Restoration and Rehabilitation!

This fund was established for the sole purpose of raising money for the restoration and   rehabilitation   of   the   church   siding.   A   substantial “seed money” gift was made to begin this effort, and it has been exciting to see the fund grow this summer!  Thanks to the generosity of many members and friends of our congregation the initial goal of raising over $10,000 has been surpassed.  To date, $10,950 has been raised! 

These donations are necessary to complement the grant applications we are submitting, and to show the grantors that our church has a stake in the cost of this project, which is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. While the dollar amount raised is important, it’s also key to have a large number of church members donate to demonstrate to the grantors that the burden is being shared by many.  If you haven’t donated yet, it’s not too late!  The campaign will formally close at the end of this month, on September 30th .  Every gift, of any size, makes a difference!  Checks can be made out to “SYUMC” and marked for the SYUMC R&R Fund.   Donations may be placed in the offering plate, mailed in, or given to Wendy in the church office.  Thank   you   all   for   your   generosity   and   for   your   consideration   of   this opportunity.