Worship Services

We welcome people to our in-person worship services on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.   We are grateful for God’s faithfulness and the opportunity to worship together.  For those still not comfortable to attend in-person, we will also continue to post weekly recordings of these services on this  website.  In addition, services can also be viewed on television on Channel 26 on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 3:30 p.m.

Watch Service Online



South Yarmouth United Methodist Church
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors


Learn More

a note from our pastor

Welcome To South Yarmouth United Methodist Church


The South Yarmouth United Methodist Church stands within a long and rich history of Methodism on Cape Cod, going back at least to 1809 when the congregation gathered in a meeting house surrounded by the historic cemetery on Willow Street.  A new meeting house was built in 1852 at our present location on Old Main Street in the area then known as “Friend’s Village.”  Our congregation continues to worship in this historic, New England sanctuary.

Throughout our history, we have learned how to be resilient through the changes and challenges that come.  We have learned the importance of being willing to experiment with new ways of living out our faith and bearing witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.  We have always valued the importance of connecting with the larger community and are committed to welcoming everyone.

Today, we feel God calling us to strengthen the connections we share as members of the church, to reach out and partner with others in our community and to build upon our ministries with children, youth and young adults.  In addition, we have felt a special call to advocate for seniors within the congregation and community as well as focus on the crucial need for more affordable housing on the Cape.  We are also committed to caring for the natural beauty of this part of God’s marvelous creation so future generations will be able to enjoy this very special place called Cape Cod.

We hope the information on this website will give you a better feel for our congregation, but the best way to know us is to simply come; join us for worship any Sunday either in our historic sanctuary at 10 AM or during the summer months at Bass River Beach at 7:30 AM.  We invite you to stop by our Thrift Shop or join with us for any of the other activities you may learn about on these pages.  Know you are always welcome!

Pastor John


Sunday Worship Schedule

Regular Worship
10 AM  Church Service in the sanctuary
318 Old Main Street

Sunday School and Youth Group
10 AM 

Summer Worship
Last Sunday in June through first Sunday in September

7:30 AM — Informal beach worship*
10 AM — Church Service in the sanctuary

*This early morning service is held on the fishermen’s deck at Bass River Beach (Smugglers), 220 South
Street, South Yarmouth. 
The 30-minute service includes singing, prayer, scripture, and message. Handicap accessible. Seating is limited, please bring your own chair.

South Yarmouth United Methodist Church

Serving the people of Yarmouth and its vicinities since 1852.

324 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664

Phone: (508) 398-9482

Fax: (508) 398-2972
