(A Bible Study on the Book of Jonah)
Many of us are at least vaguely familiar with the story of Jonah, who is swallowed by a whale, or as the Bible says, a “great fish.” During the study we’ll look at this classic tale from the Bible, become more familiar with it, and reflect upon its meaning for our lives today. The book of Jonah is somewhat unique among the prophetic books in the Bible, for it contains no collection of divinely inspired statements against Israel or foreign nations, instead it tells a story about the prophet himself. In addition, instead of portraying a prophet as one who is an obedient servant of God, the Book of Jonah centers on a prophet who, at first, doesn’t do what God wants him to do!
The book is four chapters long, so each week we’ll read and reflect upon a chapter together. After finishing the entire book, we’ll watch a movie about a “Jonah Story” from Cape Cod! All who are interested are invited to attend. Please sign up in the Parish Hall or call the church office if you’d like to participate. We’ll offer both an in-person class at 12:30 p.m. in our Parish Hall on Tuesdays, and then later in the early evening, and online class at 6:30 p.m.. The dates and themes of each class are below.
Tuesday, March 4th — Jonah tries to run from God – Jonah Chapter One
Tuesday, March 11th — Jonah’s Prayer in the Belly – Jonah Chapter Two
Tuesday, March 18th — Jonah’s Second call to Preach – Jonah Chapter Three
Tuesday, March 25th — Jonah’s Not Pleased with God – Jonah Chapter Four
Tuesday, April 1st — A Cape Cod Jonah Story!